I feel like I've entered a new stage in my cloth diaper/mommyhood journey. I have now formed an opinion. Ladies and possibly even a few gentleman, the fitted diaper has won my affection. I can't help but enjoy its easy to use snaps, its stretchy leg gussets (is that the right word?), its puffy absorbent area. No folding, no stuffing. And you can get the the Kissaluvs 2.0 for about $12.50. Yes, that's about 3x what the toddler sized Indian cotton prefolds cost. However, the more absorbent Babykicks are about $10, so the savings in minimal, and the convenience, absorbency and comfort of the Kissaluvs 2.0 definitely surpass either prefold.
Kissaluvs 2.0
Pros: Absorbent, easier to use than prefolds, less bulky than prefolds, about the same cost as the more absorbent prefolds, much less expensive than all in one and pocket diapers
Cons: Cost more than indian cotton prefolds
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